We are incredibly proud to announce that we have found our first sponsor for the Future Shots Academy for 2021

They will be assisting me in covering the costs that incur in clay pigeon shooting and using their wealth of knowledge and experience to help guide us through 2021.

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Peak A Solutions Ltd exists to solve the critical issues facing our clients, both large and small.

Peak A Solutions Ltd provide a broad range of services and solutions to help organisations facilitate change, achieve their vision and optimise performance and productivity.

Peak A Solutions Ltd specialise in Business Development and R&D tax claims, helping you get the most from your innovation and development.

Business Consultancy services on hand to help. With many years of combined Business Development, Consultancy, and Recruitment experience, Peak A Solutions Ltd are here to help your business achieve its goals.

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“Future Shots Academy is open to all, and is not limited to those who already have a certain level of skill. As well as cartridges and clays I provide free tuition for a group of young shots with the aim of helping them to improve their skills, develop their talent and above all ensure that they are enjoying their shooting.” Max Tarr, CPSA Qualified Instructor

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