07985 274 151 info@instructormax.co.uk

Future Shots Academy.


About Future Shots Academy.

Max spotted an opportunity to bring youngsters into the sport through the provision of his time and resources to make a difference to their shooting journey, and hence Future Shots Academy was born.

Future Shots Academy is open to all and is not limited to those at a certain level. As well as cartridges and clays, Max provides free tuition for a group of young shots with the aim of helping them to improve their skills, develop their talent and above all ensure that they are enjoying their shooting.

Future Shots Academy is a passion for Max, where he is able to pass on all that he has learned and enjoyed, providing young shots with the chance to see what they can achieve in a safe and nurturing environment.

Future Shots Academy is fortunate and grateful to be supported by some wonderful sponsors who enhance the experience and opportunity for all involved.

Max Tarr

Max Tarr

CPSA Qualified Instructor

Instructor Max Signature
LYALVALE Express (Logo)
Avalon Guns (LOGO)